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What If You Had Just One More Day?

We all get stuck in a rut. But, unfortunately, those ruts can last years. If we are unlucky, they can last decades. It happens.

We get up, go to work, come home, make dinner, do chores, watch tv, go to bed and start all over again the next day. Then, you pepper in weekends, holidays, and vacations, and the next thing you know, ten years have passed.

You have a sprinkling of good days, bad days, and life-defining days. But it’s pretty much the status quo.

With the twentieth anniversary of 9/11 fast approaching, I’ve been thinking a lot about those people who left work that day like it was any other day. I think of how that day changed the trajectory for so many families. Although it didn’t affect me directly, it was the beginning of the loss of any innocence I had left at that point.

I’ve been thinking about the legacy I would leave:

  • She had good intentions in the kitchen, but she always failed fantastically

  • She invented spastic behavior

  • She loved dogs and rubbing their ears to the point of baldness

  • She had a hard time saying no and setting boundaries

  • She had no problem embarrassing her children in public (truthfully, it was more just being alive than intentional actions)

  • She meant well but blundered often

Some of those statements hurt my feelings, but it’s true. The great thing is I can choose to change my legacy at any time.

Here are a few new ambitions for me:

  • I will spend more time telling my friends and family I love them

  • I will work to leave the past behind

  • I will learn to forgive myself and others more

  • I will laugh more and judge less

  • I will listen more and talk less

  • I will share more and take less

  • I will remind myself and others of their worth more often

People talk about life being short, but it can be pretty long if you are bitter, unsatisfied, and mean-spirited. Who wants extra days if you are miserable?

Nobody knows the number of days we have in this world. But, I do know that we are more satisfied when we have a plan. So what are you going to do with your days?

What are you going to choose to do with your days?

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What am I going to choose to do with my days?? Napping and Ice Cream - that is what I would LIKE to say and while both of them are in my future, maybe not daily, but maybe. Anyway, I am close to retirement and am hoping to continue working for the police dept as a part time emergency dispatcher, I will continue doing my podcast about dispatching because I want to continue to educate others about what to expect when they call the police or 911. I want to do a second podcast about random things (definitely food) that make me smile and/or laugh. I will also continue to be a part of the Crisis Intervention Team - I h…

Lyssa Ireland Thomas
Lyssa Ireland Thomas

I love this Lisa! You have given so much to our world! I hope you give yourself credit!

Mental health is so important and it's finally getting the exposure it needs. I am so glad that you share your experience with others. We are going to find that it won't matter how good we take of ourselves, if we are not healthy mentally we are in trouble. I think they'll find huge connections to diseases like cancer from poor mental health. I know I know nothing about science, but it seems like the mind could poison our systems.

BTW, I've always said, "If I know I'm going to see Jesus tomorrow, I'm having dessert for dinner!"

And your retirement plans…

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