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There Are Worse Fates Than Being Fat

I don't remember a time when I wasn't hungry all the time. I'm not talking about Bored Hungry or Stressed Hungry, but Hungry Hungry. Even from a young age, I often wondered why I was hungry all the time.

By the time I was six years old, I was significantly larger than my classmates. But, by then, the relentless tormenting started, and each year my self-confidence eroded a little bit more.

During a pep rally in the junior high auditorium, I sat in front of a ninth-grade boy named Jeff. Jeff proceeded to spend that hour taunting me about my weight mercilessly to the point that I didn't think I would survive. I still feel bad for eighth grade me to this day.

That event started my yo-yo dieting trend that would take me to this very day. I have worked HARD to stay this obese. I've tried every diet and failed on all fronts.

Obesity is one of the final frontiers that is unprotected. It is perfectly acceptable to call someone fat. It is common practice to discriminate against overweight people. What's worse is it happens in public, and witnesses will often support it.

I'm here to say there are worse fates than being fat.

Look at alcoholism and drug addiction. It destroys families, wrecks careers, and can kill people if you drive while using.

Being a Serial A$$hole is far worse than being overweight. Those people ruin lives, alienate individuals, and are massively repulsive to be around. They can erase your will to live in seconds.

What about gamblers, smokers, kleptomaniacs, and pyromaniacs? Let's not forget our behavioral addicts with sex, pornography, video games, workaholics, pain seekers, spiritual obsession, and shopping addiction. Hold on, let's reassess that last one.

As an obese person, I never once lost control of my car after inhaling a large meal. Food consumption never affected my ability to raise my children, and it never depleted my household income. I have only cheated on Ben & Jerry with Haagen Dazs.

Seriously, what punishable offense have I committed?

Yet, I've spent my life internally apologizing to everyone for them having to see my body shape. My only sin was that my addiction was on display for everyone to see while they had the luxury of hiding their addictions.

I am not saying that obesity isn't a serious disease. I'm saying the opposite. Obesity is a very serious DISEASE.

Obesity is NOT laziness, lack of control, or careless behavior. It is a disease that is out of our control. Long-term obesity sufferers should experience the same level of compassion afforded drug addicts.

For me, my brain is always thinking about what I'm going to eat next. It's like my brain is missing the connection to tell me to stop. What freedom that would be to HAVE that voice, HEAR that voice, and OBEY that voice.

Seeing that roughly two out of three adults in the USA are now overweight or obese, maybe this storyline will begin to change. That is a LOT more people who are experiencing my plight than were in junior high.

It makes me wonder if Jeff has a "dad bod" by now. How do you like those apples, Jeff?

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Miss you, your mom and daughter! I have just moved from my apartment to live with my sister. Still in Port Orange. I talk to Eileen. It was hard moving away. My story jives with yours. Nicely put.

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Eleanor, we miss you since moving to Port Orange! My daughter, Hadley, is a senior in high school now! It's killing me! Mom and I go to lunch with Eileen on a regular basis. Wish you were here to join us. I'm so glad you joined us to become a BadAss Betch! Keep in touch, Sweetie!


Aug 15, 2021

Lyssa, we met "virtually" while we were wading through the waters of weight watchers. I fell in love with your blogging and just the way you said things. Often I found myself nodding along with your words because I "had been there too" or I was inspired by the things that you were doing and trying and for all of that, I say thank you. And thank you for the words above. Again, you are taking the words right out of my past and present and sharing them with others. It kills me that I feel an obsessive need to apologize to people because I walk too slowly or can't quite squeeze in between people or chairs. I apolog…

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Lisa, this is why I always loved talking to you and remembered you instantly! You are so sweet and we think alike! I agree with you on your TikTok observation. I'm hoping that things will change, but it won't be soon enough for me. In the meantime, I have to remember my worth has nothing to do with the number on the scale, but what I contribute to society. And maybe if I do enough people will see great things can come from all kinds of packages. Most importantly, we have to realize we deserve love from ourselves. Heck, if someone like you can say those nice things about me, I have to be pretty damn good! 😍


Aug 14, 2021

Hi Lyssa! I've never viewed you as being fat. I have viewed you as being amazing, fun, hard working, determined, an awesome Mom, a confident woman, a blessing to be around, and someone I always looked up to. I Always wanted to be more like you!! You're perfect.... just as you are!! Love and miss you, Susan 🥰

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Susan, your comment is the very embodiment of BABS! Thank you so much! It’s nice to hear our friend’s comments because they are so far from our internal conversations. I know I always look at your beauty, love and caring spirit with admiration. Miss you too, Shug! 😍


Aug 14, 2021

I love you Lyssa. This is beautifully written and absolutely true. ❤ I miss seeing you and hope you and your momma and family are doing fabulous.❤💥💙💥🤍

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Wonder Woman! I miss you so much! We are doing fine and hanging in there with these crazy times. I hope your family is doing well. Thanks for joining us! Now let’s make this world a better place for our beautiful daughters! 😍

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